Eightfold Path Study


Why study the Eightfold Path?

“Practically the whole teaching of the Buddha, to which he devoted himself during 45 years, deals in some way or other with this path. He explained it in different ways and in different words to different people, according to the stage of their development and their capacity to understand and follow him. But the essence of those many thousand discourses scattered in the Buddhist scriptures is found in the noble eightfold path.” ~ {excerpted from The Noble Eightfold Path, Tricycle}.  

As our teacher, Peg Syverson states - “The Eightfold Path illuminates the way for healthy communities and harmonious societies. It can be a framework for shared inquiry and a way to monitor healthy development.”  The Buddha’s Fourth Noble Truth declares that there is a way to end suffering and that way is the Eightfold Path.  

The Spanish poet, Antonio Machado, states - “Traveler, there is no path, The path is made by walking…”  While the elements of the Eightfold Path were clearly described by the Buddha, the path only exists for each one of us if it is walked, if it is lived out in our daily lives.  This study of the Eightfold Path will be an exploration of what it looks like to live in accordance with the Dharma.  This study will help to reveal the ways in which every moment of our lives, every action and each choice point, is a place of practice, and in walking the path together, we will better understand how we can live rightly, experience wholeness, and move towards the end of suffering and the restoration of joy.   

What are the learning objectives of the course?

The spirit of the course will be infused with a strong heart-centered practice-orientation for everyday life. In this spirit, participants will engage in a full range of feeling, sensing, relating, connecting, discussing, thinking, critical reflection, and action in order to: